SMEs as Sustainability Drivers in Brandenburg and Lubuskie

While large companies face increasing legal pressure to implement sustainable practices, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are also affected through supply chains, even though they are not required to report. Last month, we had the opportunity to learn about the extent of innovation already being driven by SMEs in the border region through direct exchanges with various organizations. Examples include the decarbonization of steel production, hydrogen projects from Brandenburg, and solar power storage models in Poland, which serve as pioneers of sustainable technologies.

Sustainable development is all about building relationships. “It takes many such events to build relationships and trust to strengthen work in the border region,” emphasized Dr. Martin Pohlmann (pictured right) during a panel discussion on the opportunities and risks of the European Green Deal. We also aim to increase our efforts in the border region and enhance collaboration through the development of the digital learning and exchange platform DigiLeA. Sometimes, simple measures can yield direct and transferable successes, as demonstrated by a small bookstore in Eberswalde: significant energy savings and cost efficiency were achieved by simply changing the lighting.

However, current political developments raise uncertainties about whether the necessary investments and measures to promote sustainability will be secured in the future. Achieving a livable future requires recognizing that ecological and social sustainability is a long-term process that needs political support and substantial investments.

Conversely, Charlotte Francke pointed out: “The equally important question is: How much will it cost us if we don’t act?”

Auther: Sophia Pschiuk

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