Green Pages to pave the way for a Better Future

Picture left to right; 1st Row: Carolin Fürst (The Future Living INT), Franziska Emons-Hausen (Emons Verlag), Bernhard Schultz (Buch-Café Peter & Paula); 2nd Row: Alexander, Kleine (Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels e.V. – Regionalgeschäftsstelle NRW), Martin Breutman (fotoforum-Verlag), Klaus-Peter Böttger (Schmitzbuch); 3rd Row: Charlotte und Bettina Krüpe (Bücherstube am Rathaus); Anja Bergmann (Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels e.V. – Regionalgeschäftsstelle NRW), Charlotte Francke (The Future Living INT), Mike Jauß (Emons Verlag)

“Everybody has a responsibility to tackle climate change and we want to do our bit.” Charlotte and Bettina Krüpe from Bücherstube am Rathaus in Stolberg (bottom left) almost lost their livelihood three years ago in the devastating flooding. Together with four other bookshops and three publishers, they now want to take action. The work of the coming months will show what reduction potential the book industry has and how this can be implemented.

The books are resource-intensive product, but the motivation is great, as the words of Meyer & Meyer Fachverlag and Buchhandel make clear. It aims to, “reduce CO2 emissions and thus ensure that printed books will continue to exist in the future. We need to act now so that we still have a chance of change.”

The project is made possible thanks to federal funds provided by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the NRW regional office of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association.

Text: Sophia Pschiuk

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