A little insight …

University of Rostock – green transformation at universities

Climate-neutral by 2035, less resource consumption and more biodiversity! We are supporting the University of Rostock on its way there.

“The main tasks will be updating the greenhouse gas report and developing a transformation concept: how can the path be shaped – towards such an ambitious goal? It needs the commitment and expertise of many stakeholders,” says Anke Bytomski-Guerrier, co-founder of The Future Living. The foundation for this was laid during the kick-off event on May 22nd. The day was covered by Regio TV Rostock. You can find the whole report here.

DigiLeA – Digital learning and exchange platform

How can we support organizations in greenhouse gas and sustainability reporting regardless of location and time? What happens after our intervention? How do organizations stay in touch with the latest methods for CO2 reporting?
These are questions that we want to answer in the DigiLeA project. The plan is to create an online platform for sustainable networking between our alumni, current course participants and ourselves. The project is funded by the European Union and the state of Brandenburg.

Berlin plays fair! – on and off the pitch

Kick-off! The European Men’s Football Championship has begun and we are taking part. On the pitch, there are clear rules for fair play. Off the pitch, this is not always the case. As part of the joint presence Berlin spielt fair!, which was launched by the Aktionsbündnis Fairer Handel Berlin, we are opening up one of many perspectives on how fair play can succeed together on and off the pitch.

Together with our expert on sustainability in soccer, Philip Jenkins, we have developed a European Championship quiz that sheds light on exciting topics, provides surprising facts and offers a critical look behind the scenes. Click here for the EM quiz.

Text: Sophia Pschiuk

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